SNOC’s Al-Mousa: New solar energy station’s capacity at 60 MW

The Sharjah National Oil Corporation (SNOC) and Emerge, a subsidiary of Masdar, have entered into a cooperation agreement to establish the largest solar energy station in Sharjah. The station is expected to have a capacity of 60 megawatts and is projected to be operational by 2024.

Engineer Hatem Al-Mousa, Executive Director of the Sharjah National Oil Corporation, announced that SNOC and Emerge, a company owned by the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company “Masdar” and the French Electricity Company “EDF”, signed the agreement during the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (ADIPEC).

In an interview with “Sharjah 24”, Engineer Al-Mousa confirmed that the solar energy project will be situated in the corporation’s Sajaa Gas Complex. The project aims to provide the necessary electrical energy for the complex’s operations. The new station will have a capacity of 60 megawatts, with surplus solar energy being exported to the Sharjah Electricity, Water and Gas Authority during the day. This surplus energy will then be utilized to meet SNOC’s electricity needs during the night.

Furthermore, Al-Mousa added that SNOC is actively working towards reducing carbon dioxide emissions by transitioning more units from gas-powered to electrically powered devices.