Al Ain Book Festival 2023 offers book enthusiasts opportunity to acquire key publications across various fields

Children’s books topped the list of bestsellers at Al Ain Book Festival 2023, organised by the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre (ALC), followed by novels in second place, then educational, history, and heritage books, according to an opinion poll of a group of publishers participating in the festival.

This year’s event offers visitors a diverse array of options that meet their intellectual and cultural preferences, with a chance to acquire some key publications in various cultural fields presented by over 150 exhibitors showcasing more than 60,000 distinctive titles.

Commenting on this year’s demand and sales volume, Mira Al Shamsi from Kuttab Publishing stated, “Children’s stories have topped the list of best-selling books at our publishing house, followed by Emirati novels and young adult novels. Heritage and history books came next on the list. This clearly reflects the reader’s growing interest in children’s literature to nurture their imagination and understanding.”

For his part, Hossam Fathi from Dar Al-Rafidain Printing, Publishing, and Distribution confirmed that novels in their various genres have topped the sales list, followed by psychology and self-development books, and then historical and heritage books. Meanwhile, Mohamed Mustafa from Dar Yuhka Ana indicated that children’s educational books topped their bestseller list, followed by youth educational books.

On the same note, Ahmed Al Ghazali from Dar Ninawa for Studies, Publishing, and Distribution, said that novels came out on top of their list of best-selling books, followed by heritage and history books, and then religious books. And lastly, Nuseiba Al Amoush from Dar Sanad Books confirmed that children’s stories and educational books topped their sales list, followed by novels, while management, heritage, and history books ranked equally, next on the list.