Emirates Red Crescent conducts 338 free surgeries for children in four countries

Abu Dhabi: Nahr Al Hayat Fund, one of the Emirates Red Crescent Authority’s initiatives in the health field, successfully conducted 338 free surgical operations for children in four countries in its first year.

Two hundred and eleven operations were performed for children suffering from eye diseases, 26 open-heart surgeries, 19 operations in the field of general surgery, in addition to 82 children who underwent operations in ear, nose and throat.

Nahr Al Hayat Fund

Last year, the Emirates Red Crescent Authority launched the Nahr Al Hayat Fund to provide healthcare for children suffering different diseases in many countries, especially those whose conditions require delicate surgical interventions.

Since the beginning, the fund was a new hope for many children to regain their health, save their lives and brighten their future.

Deprived children

The fund developed programmes to cover the beneficiaries in many countries. The children who are deprived from healthcare in their own countries are treated in other countries.

The fund also established partnerships with highly specialised hospitals, forming a network of distinguished relationships with cadres and volunteer medical teams and involving them in creating a better future for these children.