Saudi Space Agency, US Sierra Space sign MoU to develop national capabilities in space

The Saudi Space Agency (SSA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Sierra Space, a US leading company in the field of space technologies, to exchange knowledge, skills and experiences and develop national capabilities and competencies in the space sector and its technologies.

The MoU affirms the Agency’s commitment to expanding its global partnerships in the area of space, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported. It was signed by SSA CEO Dr. Mohammed bin Saud Al-Tamimi, and Sierra Space CEO Tom Vice.

The signing ceremony was attended by the Saudi Minister of Communications and Information Technology and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the SSA Abdullah bin Amer Al-Sawaha, who heads the delegation of the digital economy, space and innovation system on an official visit to the US to deepen and enhance partnerships in various areas of technology, space and innovation.

With this MoU and other memorandums and agreements concluded with US parties specialised in space and its exploration, the SSA seeks to share its aspirations, develop and create specialised training programmes for students and employees, which contributes to the growth of the local and global space sector, and to build a sustainable future driven by innovation.