startAD, VentureSouq announce 8th Annual Angel Rising Investor Education Symposium at COP28

the Abu Dhabi-based startup accelerator powered by Tamkeen and anchored at NYU Abu Dhabi (NYUAD), and VentureSouq, a MENA-based venture capital firm, have announced the 8th annual Angel Rising Investor Education Symposium, scheduled to take place from 5th to 7th December at COP28 under the theme, “ClimateTech for Change”.

This year, Angel Rising has been organised in partnership with the US Mission to the UAE and The Catalyst, a joint venture between Masdar City and BP to support and invest in clean-tech startups that are creating and scaling solutions to climate change.

Angel Rising will offer investor-focused education sessions on the ClimateTech space through three programmes:

1. Angel Rising Roundtable with UICCA: Wednesday, 6th December at the UAE Independent Climate Change Accelerators Pavilion at the COP28 Green Zone. The discussion will explore how the UAE can build a climate-resilient economy and the role ClimateTech startups can play. It will feature local case studies with innovators showcasing how their cutting-edge technologies address pressing climate issues.

2. Angel Rising Roundtable with the US Mission to the UAE: During COP28, the US Mission to the UAE will also work with startAD and VentureSouq to convene a high-level discussion at the COP28 Blue Zone focused on the ClimateTech space, uncovering trends and priorities of channelling investments into early-stage ClimateTechs.

3. Angel Rising Symposium: Thursday, 7th December at the Climate Action Innovation Zone, Madinat Jumeirah Conference Centre, Dubai, UAE. The conference will spotlight world-class global and local experts in their fields who will delve into ‘ClimateTech for Change’, highlighting the need to act fast and catalyse technology adoption through startups to serve the 2050 vision and address global warming. Programming will include spotlight sessions, panel discussions, and fireside chats, followed by networking.

Managing Director of startAD Ramesh Jagannathan said, “This year, with COP28 being held in the UAE, it marks a pivotal moment in our global commitment to combat climate change. Investing in ClimateTech startups is not just a financial opportunity; it’s an investment in our shared future and a crucial step in combating climate change, as these ventures often bring disruptive and transformative technologies to market, making it possible to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to a changing climate.

“According to a report by the International Renewable Energy Agency, global investments in energy transition technology must quadruple to $35 trillion by 2030 to stay in line with commitments made under the Paris climate agreement. We believe in these innovators as they hold the keys to a sustainable world, unlocking solutions to the pressing challenges of climate change. Supporting them is a moral imperative, ensuring that our planet and our prosperity thrive in harmony for generations to come,” Jagannathan added.

John Tate, CEO of Tamkeen, the Abu Dhabi company that cofounded and backs startAD, commented, “Angel Rising has a track-record of attracting investment to help tackle serious global challenges through entrepreneurship. This year is no exception, and as the UAE hosts COP28, Angel Rising will address the role ClimateTech startups can play in developing cutting-edge solutions to promote both sustainability and economic growth.”

Co-Founder and General Partner at VentureSouq Sonia Weymuller stated, “This annual event has been instrumental in providing access to top-tier experts regarding emerging technology trends over the last seven years. We’re thrilled to organise programming this year around one of our core theses at VentureSouq: ClimateTech.”

“Climate change presents both an existential risk and an economic opportunity, and technology acts as the enabler for this climate transition. The next decade presents an unparalleled opportunity to back the next wave of disruptive ClimateTech companies that are building upon their predecessors and developing innovative technology stacks across sectors. The country’s leadership and mindset for innovation makes the UAE an ideal hub to support and pilot ClimateTech solutions,” Weymuller added.

Counsellor for Public Affairs and Outreach at the US Embassy Robin Solomon commented, “In advance of COP28, President Biden convened the Major Economies Forum (MEF) to galvanise financing needed to tackle the climate crisis. The United States will provide an additional $1 billion to the Green Climate Fund, bringing the US total contribution to $2 billion. We are proud to stand with our Emirati partners to promote sustainable development and climate action. We hope this initiative will inspire more regional investments in transformative technologies to meet our shared net zero ambitions and showcase the very best of the US-UAE partnership,” Solomon continued.

Angel Rising is targeted towards GCC-based family office funds, venture capitalists, angel investors, institutional investors, corporate and government investors, and stakeholders who are interested in investing in impact-driven technology startups that can bring positive change in the future of climate and the economy.

Over seven years, Angel Rising has convened 100 global experts, 2,900 participants, and reached 11 million people worldwide. Ecosystem partners for this edition include The UAE Independent Climate Change Accelerators and the European Women’s Association.